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Sulphuric Acid
The "debility" common to acids shows itself here, especially in the digestive tract, giving a very relaxed feeling in the stomach, with craving for stimulants. Tremor and weakness; everything must be done in a hurry. Hot flushes, followed by perspiration, with trembling. Tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries. Writer's cramp. Lead poisoning. Gastralgia and hypochlorrhydria. Purpura hæmorrhagia.
Mind.--Fretful, impatient. Unwilling to answer questions; hurried.
Head.--Right-sided neuralgia; painful shocks; skin feels pinched. Sensation as if brain was loose in forehead and falling from side to side (Bell; Rhus). Concussion of brain where skin is cold, body bathed in cold sweat. Compressive pain in side of occiput; relieved by holding the hands near the head. Pain of outer parts, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration; painful to touch. Thrust in right temple as if plug were pressed in.
Eyes.--Intra-ocular hæmorrhage following traumatism. Great chemosis of conjunctiva, with aching and sharp pain.
Mouth.--Aphthæ; gums bleed readily. Offensive breath. Pyorrhea.
Stomach.--Heartburn; sour eructations; sets teeth on edge (Robin). Craving for alcohol. Water causes coldness of stomach; must be mixed with liquors. Relaxed feeling in stomach. Averse to smell of coffee. Sour vomiting. Desire for fresh food. Hiccough. Coldness of stomach relieved by applied heat Nausea with chilliness.
Abdomen.--Weak feeling, with dragging into the hips and small of back. Feeling as if hernia would protrude, especially left side.
Rectum.--Piles; oozing dampness. Rectum feels as if it had a big ball. Diarrhœa, fetid, black, with sour odor of body, and empty faint feeling in abdomen.
Female.--Menstruation early and profuse. Erosion of cervix in the aged; easily bleeding. Acrid, burning leucorrhœa, often of bloody mucus.
Respiratory.--Respiration rapid with shooting in cervical muscles and movement of wings of nose; larynx moves up and down violently. Bronchitis in children with short, teasing cough.
Extremities.--Cramp-like paralytic contraction in arms, hands; jerking of fingers while writing.
Skin.--Bad effects from mechanical injuries, with bruises and livid skin. Ecchymosis. Petechiæ. Purpura hæmorrhagica. Livid, red, itching blotches. Hæmorrhage of black blood from all outlets. Cicatrices turn red and blue and become painful. Chilblains with gangrenous tendency. Carbuncles, boils and other staphylococcic and streptococcic infections.
Modalities.--Worse, from excess of heat or cold in forenoon and evening. Better, from warmth, and lying on affected side.
Relationship.--Complementary: Puls.
Compare: Arn; Calend; Led; Sep; Calc.
Every organ and tissue of the body is more or less affected by this powerful drug; it transforms healthy cells into decrepit, inflamed and necrotic wrecks, decomposes the blood, producing a profound anæmia. This malignant medicinal force is converted into useful life saving and life preserving service if employed homeopathically, guided by its clear cut symptoms. The lymphatic system is especially affected with all the membranes and glands, and internal organs, bones etc. Lesions produced by mercury very similar to those of syphilis. Very often indicated in the secondary stage of syphilis where there is a febrile chloro-anæmia, rheumatoid pains behind sternum, around joints, etc; ulcerations of mouth and throat, falling of the air, the eruptions and ulcerations of mouth and throat, etc. These are the special conditions and stages to which Mercur is homeopathic and where the 2x will do surprising work. Again, hereditary syphilis manifestations, are within its range; bullæ, abscesses, snuffles, marasmus, stomatitis or destructive inflammations. Tremors everywhere. Weakness with ebullitions and tremblings from least exertion. All Mercury symptoms are worse at night, from warmth of bed, from damp, cold, rainy weather, worse during perspiration. Complaints increase with the sweat and rest; all associated with a great deal of weariness, prostration, and trembling. A human "thermometer". Sensitive to heat and cold. Parts are much swollen, with raw, sore feeling; the profuse, oily perspiration does not relieve. Breath, excretions and body smell foul. Tendency to formation of pus, which is thin, greenish, putrid; streaked with thin blood.
Mind.--Slow in answering questions. Memory weakened, and loss of will-power. Weary of life. Mistrustful. Thinks he is losing his reason.
Head.--Vertigo, when lying on back. Band-feeling about head. One-sided, tearing pains. Tension about scalp, as if bandaged. Catarrhal headaches; much heat in head. Stinging, burning, fetid eruptions on scalp. Loss of hair. Exostosis, with feeling of soreness. Scalp tense; oily sweat on head.
Eyes.--Lids red, thick, swollen. Profuse, burning, acrid discharge. Floating black spots. After exposure to glare of fire; foundrymen. Parenchymatous keratitis of syphilitic origin with burning pain. Iritis, with hypopyon.
Ears.--Thick, yellow discharge; fetid and bloody. Otalgia, worse warmth of bed; at night sticking pains. Boils in external canal (Calc pic).
Nose.--Much sneezing. Sneezing in sunshine. Nostrils raw, ulcerated; nasal bones swollen. Yellow-green, fetid, pus-like discharge. Coryza; acrid discharge, but too thick to run down the lip; worse, warm room. Pain and swelling of nasal bones, and caries, with greenish fetid ulceration. Nosebleed at night. Copious discharge of corroding mucus. Coryza, with sneezing; sore, raw, smarting sensation; worse, damp weather; profuse, fluent.
Face.--Pale, earthy, dirty-looking, puffy. Aching in facial bones, Syphilitic pustules on face.
Mouth.--Sweetish metallic taste. Salivary secretions greatly increased; bloody and viscid. Saliva fetid, coppery. Speech difficult on account of trembling tongue. Gums spongy, recede, bleed easily. Sore pain on touch and from chewing. Whole mouth moist. Crown of teeth decay. Teeth loose, feel tender and elongated. Furrow in upper surface of tongue lengthwise. Tongue heavy, thick; moist coating; yellow, flabby, teeth-intended, feels as if burnt, with ulcers, Fetid odor from mouth, can smell it all over room. Alveolar abscess, worse at night. Great thirst, with moist mouth.
Throat.--Bluish-red swelling. Constant desire to swallow. Putrid sore throat; worse right side. Ulcers and inflammation appearing at every change in weather. Stitches into ear on swallowing; fluids return through nose. Quinsy, with difficult swallowing, after pus has formed. Sore, raw, smarting, burning throat. Complete loss of voice. Burning in throat, as from hot vapor ascending.
Stomach.--Putrid eructations. Intense thirst for cold drinks. Weak digestion, with continuous hunger. Stomach sensitive to touch. Hiccough and regurgitation. Feels replete and constricted.
Abdomen.--Stabbing pain, with chilliness. Boring pain in right groin. Flatulent distention, with pain. Liver enlarged; sore to touch, indurated. Jaundice. Bile secreted deficiently.
Stool.--Greenish, bloody and slimy, worse at night, with pain and tenesmus. Never-get-done feeling. Discharge accompanied by chilliness, sick stomach, cutting colic, and tenesmus. Whitish-gray stools.
Urine.--Frequent urging. Greenish discharge from urethra; burning in urethra on beginning to urinate. Urine dark, scanty, bloody, albuminous.
Male.--Vesicles and ulcers; soft chancre. Cold genitals. Prepuce irritated; itches. Nocturnal emissions, stained with blood.
Female.--Menses profuse, with abdominal pains. Leucorrhœa excoriating, greenish and bloody; sensation of rawness in parts. Stinging pain in ovaries (Apis). Itching and burning; worse, after urinating; better, washing with cold water. Morning sickness, with profuse salivation. Mammæ painful and full of milk at menses.
Respiratory.--Soreness from fauces to sternum. Cannot lie on right side (Left side, Lycop). Cough, with yellow muco-purulent expectoration. Paroxysms of two; worse, night, and from warmth of bed. Catarrh, with chilliness; dread of air. Stitches from lower lobe of right lung to back. Whooping-cough with nosebleed (Arnica) Cough worse, tobacco smoke.
Back.--Bruised pain in small of back, especially when sitting. Tearing pain in coccyx; better, pressing on abdomen.
Extremities.--Weakness of limbs. Bone-pains and in limbs; worse, night. Patient very sensitive to cold. Oily perspiration. Trembling extremities, especially hands, paralysis agitans. Lacerating pain in joints. Cold, clammy sweat on legs at night. Dropsical swelling of feet and legs.
Skin.--Almost constantly moist. Persistent dryness of the skin contra indicates mercurius. Excessive odorous viscid perspiration; worse, night. General tendency to free perspiration, but patient is not relieved thereby. Vesicular and pustular eruptions. Ulcers, irregular in shape, edges undefined. Pimples around the main eruption. Itching, worse from warmth of bed. Crusta lactea; yellowish-brown crusts, considerable suppuration. Glands swell every time patient takes cold. Buboes. Orchitis (Clemat, Hamam, Puls).
Fever.--Generally gastric or bilious, with profuse nightly perspiration; debility, slow and lingering. Heat and shuddering alternately. Yellow perspiration. Profuse perspiration without relief. Creeping chilliness, worse in the evening and into night. Alternate flashes of heat in single parts.
Modalities.--Worse, at night, wet, damp weather, lying on right side, perspiring; warm room and warm bed.
Relationship.--Compare: Capparis coriaccea (polyuria, glandular affections, mucous diarrhœa; influenza); Epilobium—Willow herb--(chronic diarrhœa with tenesmus and mucous discharges; ptyalism, dysphagia; wasting of body and much debility; cholera infantum); Kali hyd (in hard chancre); Mercur acet (Congestion with stiffness, dryness and heat of parts affected. Eyes inflamed, burn and itch. Lack of moisture. Throat dry, talking difficult. Pressure in lower sternum; chancre in urethra; tenia capitis favosa margin of ulcers painful): Mercurius auratus (psoriasis and syphilitic catarrh; brain tumors; lues of nose and bones; ozæna; swelling of testicles); Mercurius bromatus (secondary syphilitic skin affection); Mercurius nitrosus-Nitrate of Mercury--(especially in postular conjunctivitis and keratitis; gonorrhœa and mucous patches, with sticking pains; syphilides); Mercurius phosphoricus (nervous diseases from syphilis; exostoses); Mercurius precipitatus ruber (suffocative attacks at night on lying down while on the point of falling asleep, obliged to jump up suddenly which relieves; gonorrhœa; urethra felt as a hard string; chancroid; phagedenic ulcer and bubo; pemphigus, mucous patches, eczema with rhagades and fissures, barber's itch; blepharitis, internally and externally; leaden heaviness in occiput, with otorrhœa); Mercurius tannicus (syphilides in patients with gastro-intestinal diseases, or, if very sensitive, to ordinary mercurial preparations); Erythrinus-South American Red Mullet Fish--(in pityriasis rubra and syphilis; red rash on chest; pityriasis); Lolium temulentum (in trembling of hands and legs); Mercur cum kali (inveterate colds, acute facial paralysis). Henchera-Alum root--(Gastro-enteritis nausea, vomiting of bile and frothy mucus; stools watery, profuse, slimy, tenesmus, never-get-done feeling. Dose, 2 to 10 drops of tincture).
Compare: Mez; Phos; Syph; Kali mur; Aethiops.
Antidote: Hep; Aur; Mez.
Complementary: Badiaga.
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Water Hemlock
The action on the nervous system, producing spasmodic affections, viz, hiccough, trismus, tetanus, and convulsions, give the pathological picture calling especially for this remedy, whenever this is further characterized, by the more individual symptoms of the drug. Among these, are the bending of the head, neck, and spine backwards, and the general action of the patient is violent, with frightful distortions. Violent, strange desires. Sensation of internal chill. Moaning and howling. Does absurd things. Marked action on the skin.
Mind.--Delirium, with singing, dancing and funny gestures. Everything appears strange and terrible. Confounds present with the past; feels like a child. Stupid feeling. Melancholy, with indifference. Mistrustful. Epilepsy; moaning and whining. Vivid dreams.
Head.--Head turned or twisted to one side. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Cervical muscles contracted. Vertigo, with gastralgia, and muscular spasms. Sudden, violent shocks through head. Stares persistently at objects. Convulsions from concussion of brain. Thick, yellow scabs on head. Head symptoms relieved by emission of flatus.
Eyes.--When reading, letters disappear. Pupils dilated, insensible strabismus. Objects recede, approach, and seem double. Eyes stare. Pupils get behind upper lids as head inclines. Effects of exposure to snow. Spasmodic affections of eyes and its appendages. Strabismus; periodic, spasmodic after a fall or a blow.
Ears.--Difficult hearing. Sudden detonations especially on swallowing. Hæmorrhage from ears.
Face.--Pustules which run together forming thick, yellow scabs on face and head, corners of mouth and chin, with burning pain. Red face. Trismus; disposition to grind teeth.
Throat.--Dry. Feels as if grown together. Spasms of œsophagus; cannot swallow. Effects on œsophagus from swallowing sharp piece of bone.
Stomach.--Thirst; burning pressure; hiccough. Throbbing in pit of stomach, which has become raised to size of fist. Desire for unnatural things, like coal (Alum; Calc). Indigestion, with insensibility, frothing at mouth.
Abdomen.--Flatulence with anxiety and crossness. Rumbling in. Distended and painful. Colic with convulsions.
Rectum.--Diarrhœa in morning, with irresistible desire to urinate. Itching in rectum.
Respiratory.--Chest feels tight; can hardly breathe. Tonic spasm in pectoral muscles. Heat in chest.
Back and extremities.--Spasms and cramps in muscles of nape of neck, and spasmodic drawing backward of head. Curved limbs cannot be straightened nor straight ones bent. Back bent backward like an arch. Jerking, tearing in coccyx, especially during menses.
Skin.--Eczema; no itching, exudation forms into a hard, lemon-colored crust. Suppressed eruption causes brain disease. Elevated eruptions, as large as peas. Chronic impetigo.
Modalities.--Worse, from touch, draughts, concussion, tobacco smoke.
Relationship.--Antidotes: Opium; Arn.
Compare: Cicuta Maculata-Water Hemlock--(Effects very similar; the most prominent symptoms being; Falls unconscious, titanic or clonic convulsions. Body covered with sweat. Consider in epilepsy and tetanus. Tincture and lower potencies). Hydrocy acid; Con; Oenanth; Strychnia; Bellad.
Baalto kennt sich aus mit der Erde. Er weiß wie Minen aufgebaut sind, ist im Reich der Zwerge bewandert, kennt die Verläufe unterirdischer Gewässer und Erze.
Er weiß, wie unterirdische Strömungen zu lenken sind.
Asinel bringt Glück.
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