



12° Skorpion

Sagara ist der Schutzpatron aller Magier. Er schützt auch vor magischen Beeinflussungen durch Hexen und anderen Magiern.

20,33 €


Kagaros-Pg (7° Löwe)

Kagaros nutzt das Luftelement um zu vermitteln. Er lehrt die gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen Natur und unserem menschlichen Körper, unserem Astralkörper, unserem Geist und unserer Seele.

20,33 €



Nitrate of Potassium-Saltpeter


Often indicated in asthma, also valuable in cardiac asthma; of great value in sudden dropsical swellings over the whole body. Gastro-intestinal inflammation, with much debility, and relapse in phthisis, call for this remedy. Suppurative nephritis.

Head.--Scalp very sensitive. Headache, with vertigo, as if falling to right side and backwards; worse, stooping. Ennui.

Eyes.--Vision becomes clouded. Turbid corpus vitreum (Arn; Ham; Solan n; Phos). Variegated-colored rings before eyes. Burning and lachrymation.

Nose.--Sneezing. Swollen feeling; worse, right nostril. Point red and itching. Polypus (Sang nit).

Mouth.--Tongue red, with burning pimples; burns at tip. Throat constricted and sore.

Stool.--Thin, watery, bloody. Membranous shreds, with tenesmus. Diarrhœa from eating veal.

Female.--Menses too early, profuse, black; preceded and with violent backache. Leucorrhœa. Burning pains in the ovarian region only during menses (Zinc after).

Respiratory.--Hoarseness. Dry, morning cough, with pain in chest and bloody expectoration. Bronchitis, with sharp, short, dry, hacking cough. Asthma, with excessive dyspnœa, nausea, dull stitches, and burning in chest. Dyspnœa so great that breath cannot be held long enough to drink, though thirsty. Chest feels constricted. Oppression worse in morning. Sour-smelling expectoration. Expectoration of clotted blood, after hawking mucus. Acute exacerbations in phthisis; congestion of lungs. Spasmodic croup; paroxysm of crowing. Laryngeal diphtheria.

Heart.--Pulse weak, small, thready. Violent stitch in præcordia, and beating of heart.

Extremities.--Stitches between shoulder-blades. Tearing and sticking in shoulders and joints. Hands and fingers seem swollen.

Modalities.--Worse, eating veal; towards morning and in afternoon. Better, drinking sips of water.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Opium; Nitr sp dulc.

20,33 €


Gomognu-Pg (15° Fische)

Gomognu ist Erfinder und Hüter der Gesten- und Gebärdensprache und der Blindenschrift

20,33 €





Spigelia is an important remedy in pericarditis and other diseases of the heart, because the provings were conducted with the greatest regard for objective symptoms and the subjective symptoms are by innumerable confirmations proved to be correct (C. Hering).

Has marked elective affinity for the eye, heart, and nervous system. Neuralgia of the fifth nerve is very prominent in its effects. Is especially adapted to anæmic, debilitated, rheumatic, and scrofulous subjects. Stabbing pains. Heart affections and neuralgia. Very sensitive to touch. Parts feel chilly; send shudder through frame. A remedy for symptoms due to the presence of worms. Child refers to the navel as the most painful part (Granat; Nux mosch).

Mind.--Afraid of sharp, pointed things, pins, needles, etc.

Head.--Pain beneath frontal eminence and temples, extending to eyes (Onos). Semi-lateral, involving left eye; pain violent, throbbing; worse, making a false step. Pain as if a band around head (Carbol ac; Cact; Gels). Vertigo, hearing exalted.

Eyes.--Feel too large; pressive pain on turning them. Pupils dilated; photophobia; rheumatic ophthalmia. Severe pain in and around eyes, extending deep into socket. Ciliary neuralgia, a true neuritis.

Nose.--Forepart of nose always dry; discharge through posterior nares chronic catarrh, with post-nasal dropping of bland mucus.

Mouth.--Tongue fissured, painful. Tearing toothache; worse, after eating and cold. Foul odor from mouth. Offensive taste.

Face.--Prosopalgia, involving eye, zygoma, cheek, teeth, temple, worse, stooping, touch, from morning until sunset.

Heart.--Violent palpitation. Præcordial pain and great aggravation from movement. Frequent attacks of palpitation, especially with foul odor from mouth. Pulse weak and irregular. Pericarditis, with sticking pains, palpitation, dyspnœa. Neuralgia extending to arm or both arms. Angina pectoris. Craving for hot water which relieves. Rheumatic carditis, trembling pulse; whole left side sore. Dyspnœa; must lie on right side with head high.

Rectum.--Itching and crawling. Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. Ascarides.

Fever.--Chilliness on the slightest motion.

Modalities.--Worse, from touch, motion, noise, turning, washing, concussion. Better, lying on right side with head high; inspiring.

Relationship.--Compare: Spigelia Marylandica (maniacal excitement, paroxysmal laughing and crying, loud, disconnected talking, vertigo, dilated pupils, congestions); Acon; Cact; Cimicif; Arnica (Spigela is a chronic Arnica); Cinnab (supra-orbital pain); Naja; Spong (heart); Sabad; Teucr; Cina (worm symptoms).

Antidote: Pulsat.

20,33 €



Blood Root


Is a right-sided remedy pre-eminently, and affects chiefly the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract. It has marked vaso-motor disturbances, as seen in the circumscribed redness of the cheeks, flashes of heat, determination of blood to head and chest, distention of temporal veins, burning in palms and soles, and has been found very applicable to climacteric disorders. Burning sensations, like from hot water. Influenzal coughs. Phthisis. Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhœa. Burning in various parts is characteristic.

Head.--Worse right side, sun headache. Periodical sick headache; pain begins in occiput, spreads upwards, and settles over eyes, especially right. Veins and temples are distended. Pain better lying down and sleep. Headaches return at climacteric; every seventh day (Sulph; Sabad). Pain in small spot over upper left parietal bone. Burning in eyes. Pain in the back of head "like a flash of lightning".

Face.--Flushed. Neuralgia; pain extends in all directions from upper jaw. Redness and burning of cheeks. Hectic flush. Fullness and tenderness behind angle of jaws.

Nose.--Hay-fever. Ozæna, with profuse, offensive yellowish discharges. Nasal polypi. Coryza, followed by diarrhœa. Chronic rhinitis; membrane dry and congested.

Ears.--Burning in ears. Earache with headache. Humming and roaring. Aural polypus.

Throat.--Swollen; worse, right side. Dry and constricted. Ulceration of mouth and fauces, with dry, burning sensation Tongue white; feels scalded. Tonsillitis.

Stomach.--Aversion to butter. Craving for piquant things. Unquenchable thirst. Burning, vomiting. Nausea, with salivation. Sinking, faint all-gone feeling (Phos; Sep). Spitting up of bile; gastro-duodenal catarrh.

Abdomen.--Diarrhœa as coryza improves. Pain over region of liver. Diarrhœa; bilious, liquid, gushing stool (Nat sulph; Lycop). Cancer of rectum.

Female.--Leucorrhœa fetid, corrosive. Menses offensive, profuse. Soreness of breasts. Uterine polypi. Before, menses, itching of axillæ. Climacteric disorders.

Respiratory.--Œdema of larynx. Trachea sore. Heat and tension behind the sternum. Aphonia. Cough of gastric origin; relieved by eructation. Cough, with burning pain in chest; worse, right side. Sputum tough, rust-colored, offensive, almost impossible to raise. Spasmodic cough after influenza and after whooping-cough. Cough returns with every fresh cold. Tickling behind sternum, causes a constant hacking cough; worse at night on lying down. Must sit up in bed. Burning soreness in right chest, through to right shoulder. Severe soreness under right nipple. Hæmoptysis from suppressed menses. Severe dyspnœa and constriction of chest. Offensive breath and purulent expectoration. Burning in chest as of hot steam from chest to abdomen. Fibroid phthisis. Pneumonia; better, lying on back. Asthma with stomach disorders (Nux). Valvular disease with lung development, phosphates in urine and loss of flesh. Sudden stoppage of catarrh of air passages brings on diarrhœa.

Extremities.--Rheumatism of right shoulder, left hip-joint and nape of neck. Burning in soles and palms. Rheumatic pains in places least covered by flesh; not in joints soles of feet burn. Right-side neuritis; better touching the part.

Skin.--Antidotes: Rhus poisoning. Red, blotchy eruptions; worse in spring. Burning and itching; worse by heat. Acne, with scanty menses. Circumscribed red spots over malar bones.

Modalities.--Worse, sweets, right side, motion, touch. Better, acids, sleep, darkness.

Relationship.--Complementary: Tart em.

Compare: Justicia (bronchial catarrh, coryza, hoarseness; oversensitive). Digitalis (Migraine). Bell; Iris; Melil; Lach; Ferr; Op.

20,33 €



Phosphate of Sodium

Natrum phosphoricum is the remedy for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid, often resulting from too much sugar. Ailments, with excess of acidity. Sour eructations and taste. Sour vomiting. Yellow, creamy coating at the back of the roof of mouth and tongue. Inflammation of any part of the throat, with sensation of a lump in throat. Flatulence, with sour risings. Colic, with symptoms of worms. Cracking of joints. Jaundice (1x trit). Oxaluria.

Mind.--Imagines, on waking at night, that pieces of furniture are persons; that the hears footsteps in next room. Fear.

Head.--Feels dull in the morning, full feeling and throbbing.

Eyes.--Discharge of golden-yellow, creamy matter from the eyes. Dilation of one pupil. Whites of eyes dirty yellow.

Ears.--One ear red, hot, frequently itchy, accompanied by gastric derangements and acidity.

Nose.--Offensive odor. Itching of nose. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh, with thick, yellow, offensive mucus.

Face.--Paleness of bluish, florid appearance of face.

Mouth.--Canker sores of lip and cheeks. Blisters on tip of tongue, with stinging in evening. Thin, moist coating on the tongue. Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the roof of the mouth. Dysphagia. Thick, creamy membrane over tonsils and soft palate.

Stomach.--Sour eructations, sour vomiting, greenish diarrhœa. Spits mouthful of food.

Male.--Emissions without dreams, with weakness in back and trembling in limbs. Desire without erection. Gonorrhœa.

Female.--Menses too early; pale, thin, watery. Sterility, with acid secretions from vagina. Leucorrhœa; discharge creamy or honey-colored, or acid and watery. Sour-smelling discharges from uterus. Morning sickness, with sour vomiting.

Extremities.--Rheumatism of the knee-joint.

Back.--Weariness; aching in wrists and finger-joints. Hamstrings sore. Synovial crepitation. Rheumatic arthritis.

Skin.--Yellow. Itching in various parts, especially of ankles. Hives. Smooth, red, shining. Erysipelas. Feet icy cold in daytime, burn at night. Swelling of lymphatic glands.

Relationship.--Compare: Natrum lactic (rheumatism and gout; gouty concretions, rheumatism with diabetes); Natrum nitrosum (angina pectoris. Cyanosis, fainting, copious liquid stools at night; throbbing and fullness; faintness, nervous pain in head, nausea, eructations, blue lips). Natrum silicofluoricum-Salufer--(a cancer remedy; tumors, bone affection, caries, lupus, ethmoiditis. Must be used carefully); Nat selen (chronic laryngitis and laryngeal phthisis; hoarseness of singers, expectorate small lumps of mucus with frequent clearing of throat); Nat sulphurosum (diarrhœa, with yeasty stools); Nat sulphocarbol (pyæmia; purulent pleurisy, 3 to 5 grains every three hours); Nat telluricum (breath has odor of garlic; nightsweats of phthisis) calc; Robin; Phos. In oxaluria 1x four times daily prevents formation of calculi; keeps the oxal of lime in solution (Schwartz).

Natriumhydrogenphoshat. Na₂HPO₄

Natrium phosphoricum ist das Mittel bei Zuständen, die von einem Überschuss an Milchsäure herrühren, häufig als Folge von zu viel Zucker. Beschwerden bei Übersäuerung. Saures Aufstoßen und saurer Geschmack. Saures Erbrechen. Gelber, cremiger Belag im hinteren Gaumendach und auf der Zunge. Entzündung an jeglicher Stelle des Halses mit dem Gefühl eines Klumpens im Hals. Blähungen mit saurem Aufstoßen. Kolik, mit Symptomen von Würmern. Knacken der Gelenke. Gelbsucht. Oxalurie.

Gemüt: – Stellt sich beim Erwachen in der Nacht vor, dass Möbelstücke Personen sind, dass er Schritte im nächsten Raum hört. Furcht.

Kopf: – Fühlt sich am Morgen dumpf an, Völlegefühl und Pochen.

Augen: – Goldgelbe, cremige Absonderungen von den Augen. Erweiterung einer Pupille. Das Augenweiß ist schmutzig gelb gefärbt.

Ohren: – Ein Ohr ist rot, heiß, häufig juckend, begleitet von Magenstörungen und Übersäuerung.

Nase: – Offensiver Geruch. Jucken der Nase. Nasenrachenkatarrh mit dickem, gelbem, übel riechendem Schleim.

Gesicht: – Blässe mit bläulichem, blühendem Aussehen des Gesichtes.

Mund: – Aphthen auf den Lippen und der Wangeninnenseite. Bläschen auf der Zungespitze, abends stechend. Dünner, feuchter Belag auf der Zunge. Gelber, cremiger Belag am hinteren Gaumendach.

Schluckstörung. Dicke, cremige Membran über den Tonsillen und dem weichen Gaumen.

Magen: – Saures Aufstoßen, saures Erbrechen, grünliche Diarrhoe. Mundvolles Ausspucken von Essen.

Männlich: – Samenergüsse ohne Träume, mit Schwäche im Rücken und Zittern in den Gliedern. Verlangen ohne Erektion. Gonorrhö.

Weiblich: – Menses zu früh; blass, dünn, wässrig. Sterilität, mit sauren Absonderungen aus der Vagina. Leukorrhö. Die Absonderung ist cremig oder honigfarben oder sauer und wässrig. Sauer riechende Absonderungen aus dem Uterus. Morgendliche Übelkeit, mit saurem Erbrechen.

Extremitäten: – Rheumatismus der Kniegelenke. Schmerzen in Hand- und Fingergelenken. Die Kniesehnen schmerzen. Synoviale Krepitationen. Rheumatische Arthritis.

Rücken: – Müdigkeit.

Haut: – Gelb. Jucken verschiedener Körperteile, besonders der Knöchel. Nesselsucht. Glatt, rot, glänzend. Erysipel. Die Füße sind tagsüber eiskalt und brennen nachts. Lymphknotenschwellung.

Beziehungen: – Vergleiche: – Calc., Rob.

Natrium lacticum – Rheumatismus und Gicht; gichtische Konkremente; Rheumatismus mit Diabetes.

Natrium nitrosum – Angina pectoris. Zyanose, Ohnmacht, reichliche, flüssige Stühle in der Nacht; Pochen und Völlegefühl; Mattigkeit, nervöser Kopfschmerz, Übelkeit, Aufstoßen, blaue Lippen.

Natrium silicofluoricum – Ein Krebsmittel; Tumoren, Knochenleiden, Karies, Lupus, Ethmoiditis. Muss vorsichtig eingesetzt werden.

Natrium selenicum – Chronische Laryngitis und Kehlkopftuberkulose; Heiserkeit bei Sängern, Auswurf kleiner Schleimklumpen mit häufigem Räuspern.

Natrium sulphurosum – Diarrhoe, mit hefeartigen Stühlen.

Natrium sulphocarbolicum – Pyämie, eitrige Pleuritis, 3-5 Gran (194-324 mg) alle 3 Stunden.

Natrium telluricum – Der Atem riecht nach Knoblauch; Nachtschweiß bei Schwindsucht.

Phosphorus – Bei Oxalurie D1 4-mal täglich verhindert die Steinbildung; hält das Calciumoxalat in Lösung (Schwartz).

Nicht homöopathisch wird Natriummonohydrogenphosphat nach Dr. M. L. Luys bei Morphinsucht subkutan angewandt. Natriummonohydrogenphosphat, 75 Gran (4,86 g) täglich bei konstitutionellem Jodismus, Hyperthyreoidismus und Morbus Basedow.

20,33 €





Aching, soreness, restlessness, prostration, are general symptoms guiding to Phytolacca. Pre-eminently a glandular remedy. Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation. Has a powerful effect on fibrous and osseous tissues; fasciæ and muscle sheaths; acts on scar tissue. Syphilitic bone pains; chronic rheumatism. Sore throat, quinsy, and diphtheria. Tetanus and opisthotonos. Decrease of weight. Retarded dentition.

Mind.--Loss of personal delicacy, disregard of surrounding objects. Indifferent to life.

Head.--Vertigo on rising. Brain feels sore. Pain from frontal region backward. Pressure in temples and over eyes. Rheumatism of scalp; pains come on every time it rains. Scaly eruption on scalp.

Eyes.--Smarting. Feeling of sand under lids. Tarsal edges feel hot. Fistula lachrymalis (Fluor ac). Abundant lachrymation, hot.

Nose.--Coryza; flow of mucus from one nostril and from posterior nares.

Mouth.--Teething children with irresistible desire to bite the teeth together. Teeth clenched; lower lip drawn down; lips everted; jaws firmly set; chin drawn down on sternum. Tongue red tip, feels rough and scalded; bleeding from mouth; blisters on side. Mapped, indented, fissured, with yellow patch down center. Much stringy saliva.

Throat.--Dark red or bluish red. Much pain at root of tongue; soft palate and tonsils swollen. Sensation of a lump in throat (Bell; Lach). Throat feels rough, narrow, hot. Tonsils swollen, especially right; dark-red appearance. Shooting pain into ears on swallowing. Pseudo-membranous exudation, grayish white; thick, tenacious yellowish mucus, difficult to dislodge. Cannot swallow anything hot (Lach). Tension and pressure in parotid gland. Ulcerated sore throat and diphtheria; throat feels very hot; pain at root of tongue extending to ear. Uvula large, dropsical. Quinsy; tonsils and fauces swollen, with burning pain; cannot swallow even water. Mumps. Follicular pharyngitis.

Abdomen.--Sore spot in right hypochondrium. Rheumatism of abdominal muscles. Colic at navel. Burning griping pains. Bruised feeling through epigastrium and abdomen. Constipation of the aged and those with weak heart. Bleeding from rectum.

Urine.--Scanty, suppressed, with pain in kidney region. Nephritis.

Female.--Mastitis; mammæ hard and very sensitive. Tumors of the breasts with enlarged axillary glands. Cancer of breast. Breast is hard, painful and of purple hue. Mammary abscess. When child nurses, pain goes from nipple all over body. Cracks and small ulcers about nipples. Irritable breasts, before and during menses. Galactorrhœa (Calc). Menses too copious and frequent. Ovarian neuralgia of right side.

Male.--Painful induration of testicles. Shooting along perineum to penis.

Heart.--Feeling as if heart leaped into throat (Pod). Shock of pain in cardiac region alternating with pain in right arm.

Respiratory.--Aphonia. Difficult breathing; dry hacking, tickling cough; worse at night (Mentha; Bellad). Aching pains in chest, through mid-sternum; with cough. Rheumatism of lower intercostals.

Back.--Aching pains in lumbar region; pains streaking up and down spine into sacrum. Weakness and dull pain in region of kidneys. Back stiff, especially in morning on rising and during damp weather.

Extremities.--Shooting pain in right shoulder, with stiffness and inability to raise arm (see Heart). Rheumatism pains; worse in morning. Pains fly like electric shocks, shooting, lancinating, shifting rapidly (Puls; Kali bich). Pain in under side of thighs. Syphilitic sciatica. Aching of heels; relieved by elevating feet. Pains like shocks. Pain in legs, patient dreads to get up. Feet puffed; pain in ankles and feet. Neuralgia in toes.

Fever.--High fever, alternating with chilliness and great prostration.

Skin.--Itches, becomes dry, shrunken, pale. Papular and pustular lesions. Most useful in early stages of cutaneous diseases. Disposition to boils, and when sloughing occurs. Squamous eruptions. Syphilitic eruptions. Swelling and induration of glands. Venereal buboes. Scarlatina-like rash. Warts and moles.

Modalities.--Worse, sensitive to electric changes. Effects of a wetting, when it rains, exposure to damp, cold weather, night exposure, motion, right side. Better, warmth, dry weather, rest.

Relationship.--Compare: Tincture of Phytolacca Berry (sore throats and in the treatment of obesity); Bry; Rhus; Kali hyd; Merc; Sang; Arum triph.

Inimical: Mercur.

Antidotes: Milk and salt; Bellad; Mezer.

20,33 €


Saris-Pg (29°Schütze)

Saris kann Licht und Elemente stauen und damit Gegenstände aufladen. Er kann uns beibringen Wesenheiten zu bannen.

20,33 €


Mimosah-Pg (21°Zwillinge)

Mimosah ist Philosoph und Jurist. Er ist ein Hüter der Menschenrechte.

20,33 €