


Decarabia 35

Decarabia ist Naturwissenschaftler, Magier und Mystiker. Er ist Philosoph und Poet. Er hilft bei der Stärkung körperlicher Chakren. Er hilft auch den individuellen Weg zu erkennen, Wahrheit von Lüge zu unterscheiden, und forciert Ausdauer und Kraft, Taktik und Durchsetzungskraft. Er begleitet Transformationsprozesse und zeigt wie man Wissen erhält, und speichert.

20,33 €



Wild Indigo


The symptoms of this drug are of an asthenic type, simulating low fevers, septic conditions of the blood, malarial poisoning and extreme prostration. Indescribable sick feeling. Great muscular soreness and putrid phenomena always are present. All the secretions are offensive-breath, stool, urine, sweat, etc. Epidemic influenza. Chronic intestinal toxæmias of children with fetid stools and eructations.

Baptisia in low dilutions produces a form of anti-bodies to the bac typhosus, viz, the agglutinins (Mellon). Thus it raises the natural bodily resistance to the invasion of the bacillary intoxication, which produces the typhoid syndrome. Typhoid carriers. After inoculation with anti-typhoid serum. Intermittent pulse, especially in the aged.

Mind.--Wild, wandering feeling. Inability to think. Mental confusion. Ideas confused. Illusion of divided personality. Thinks he is broken or double, and tosses about the bed trying to get pieces together (Cajeput). Delirium, wandering, muttering. Perfect indifference. Falls asleep while being spoken to. Melancholia, with stupor.

Head.--Confused, swimming feeling. Vertigo; pressure at root of nose. Skin of forehead feels tight; seems drawn to back of head. Feels too large, heavy, numb. Soreness of eyeballs. Brain feels sore. Stupor; falls asleep while spoken to. Early deafness in typhoid conditions. Eyelids heavy.

Face.--Besotted look. Dark red. Pain at root of nose. Muscles of jaw rigid.

Mouth.--Taste flat, bitter. Teeth and gums sore, ulcerated. Breath fetid. Tongue feels burned; yellowish-brown; edges red and shining. Dry and brown in center, with dry and glistening edges; surface cracked and sore. Can swallow liquids only; least solid food gags.

Throat.--Dark redness of tonsils and soft palate. Constriction, contraction of œsophagus (Cajeput). Great difficulty in swallowing solid food. Painless sore throat, and offensive discharge. Contraction at cardiac orifice.

Stomach.--Can swallow only liquids, vomiting due to spasm of œsophagus. Gastric fever. No appetite. Constant desire for water. Sinking feeling at stomach. Pain in epigastric region. Feeling of hard substance (Abies nig). All symptoms worse from beer (Kali bich). Cardiac orifice contracted convulsively and ulcerative inflammation of stomach and bowels.

Abdomen.--Right side markedly affected. Distended and rumbling. Soreness over region of gall-bladder, with diarrhœa. Stools very offensive, thin, dark, bloody. Soreness of abdomen, in region of liver. Dysentery of old people.

Female.--Threatened miscarriage from mental depression, shock, watching, low fevers. Menses too early, too profuse. Lochia acrid, fetid. Puerperal fever.

Respiratory.--Lungs feel compressed, breathing difficult; seeks open window. Fears going to sleep on account of nightmare and sense of suffocation. Constriction of chest.

Back and Extremities.--Neck tired. Stiffness and pain, aching and drawing in arms and legs. Pain in sacrum, around hips and legs. Sore and bruised. Decubitus.

Sleep.--Sleepless and restless. Nightmare and frightful dreams. Cannot get herself together, feels scattered about bed. Falls asleep while answering a question.

Skin.--Livid spots all over body and limbs. Burning and heat in skin (Arsenic). Putrid ulcers with stupor, low delirium and prostration.

Fever.--Chill, with rheumatic pains and soreness all over body. Heat all over, with occasional chills. Chill about 11 am.Adynamic fevers. Typhus fever. Shipboard fever.

Modalities.--Worse; Humid heat; fog; indoors.

Relationship.--Compare: Bryonia and Arsenic may be needed to complete the favorable reaction. Ailanthus differs, being more painful. Baptisia more painless. Rhus; Muriat acid; Arsenic; Bryon; Arnica; Echinac. Pyrogen. Baptisia confusia (Pain in right jaw and oppression in left hypochondrium, producing dyspnœa and necessity to assume erect position).

20,33 €



The Metal Tellurium


Marked skin (herpes circinatus), spinal, eye and ear symptoms. Very sensitive back. Pains all over body. Offensive discharges. Slow development of symptoms (Radium) Sacral and sciatic pains.

Head.--Neglectful and forgetful. Pain in left side of head and in forehead above left eye. Distortion and twitching of left facial muscles; when speaking left angle of mouth drawn upwards and to left. Fear of being touched in sensitive places. Congestion to head and nape of neck, followed by weakness and faintness in stomach. Itching of scalp; red spots.

Eyes.--Lids thickened, inflamed, itching. Pterygium; pustular conjunctivitis. Cataract, following ocular lesions; aids the absorption of infiltrations in iris and choroid.

Ears.--Eczema behind ear. Catarrh of middle ear, discharge acrid, smells like fish-pickle. Itching, swelling, throbbing in meatus. Deafness.

Nose.--Coryza, lachrymation and hoarseness; better in open air (Cepa). Obstructed; hawks salty phlegm from posterior nares.

Stomach.--Craving for apples. Empty and weak feeling. Heartburn.

Rectum.--Pruritus ani et perinei after every stool.

Back.--Pain in sacrum.--Pain from last cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra, very sensitive; worse touch (Chin s; Phosph) Sciatica; worse right side, coughing, straining, and at night, with sensitive vertebral column. Contraction of tendons in bends of knees.

Skin.--Itching of hands and feet. Herpetic spots; ringworm (Tuberc). Ring-shape lesions, offensive odors from affected parts. Barber's itch. Stinging in skin. Fetid exhalations (Sulph). Offensive foot-sweat. Eczema, back of ears and occiput. Circular patches of eczema.

Modalities.--Worse, while at rest at night, cold weather, from friction, coughing, laughing, lying on painful side, touch.

Relationship.--Compare: Radium; Selenium; Tetradymite-crystals from Georgia and North Carolina containing Bismuth, Tellurium and Sulphur--(coccygodynia, ulceration of nails; pains in hands, in small spots, ankles, heels, and tendo-Achilles); Sep; Ars; Rhus.

20,33 €



Purple Cone-flower


We are indebted to the Eclectic school for this remarkable medicine as a "corrector of blood dyscrasia". Acute auto-infection. Symptoms of blood poisoning, septic conditions generally. Diarrhœa in typhoid. Gonorrhœa. Boils. Erysipelas and foul ulcers. Gangrene. Goitre with exophthalmic symptoms; full doses, also injecting 5-10 drops into thyroid gland. Tendency to malignancy in acute and subacute disorders. Last stages of cancer to ease pain. Venom infection. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Puerperal infections. Tired feeling. Piles. Pustules. Acts on vermiform appendix thus has been used for appendicitis, but remember it promotes suppuration and a neglected appendicitis with pus formation would probably rupture sooner under its use. Lymphatic inflammation; crushing injuries. Snake bites and bites and stings generally. Foul discharges with emaciation and great debility.

Head.--Confused, depressed. Aches with a peculiar periodical flushing of the face, even to the neck; dizziness and profound prostration.

Nose.--Foul-smelling discharge, membranous formations protruding. Post-nasal catarrh with ulceration and fetor. Nose feels stuffed up. Right nostril raw, bleeding.

Mouth.--Canker; gums recede and bleed easily; corners of mouth and lips crack; tongue dry and swollen; sores; dirty brownish. Tongue, lips, and fauces tingle, with sense of fear about heart (Acon). White coating of tongue, with red edges. Promotes the flow of saliva.

Throat.--Tonsils purple or black, gray exudation extending to posterior nares and air-passages. Ulcerated sore throat.

Stomach.--Sour belching and heartburn. Nausea; better lying down.

Chest.--Pain as of a lump in chest and under sternum. Pain in pectoral muscles (Aristolochia).

Urine.--Albuminous, scanty, frequent, and involuntary.

Female.--Puerperal septicæmia; discharges suppressed; abdomen sensitive and tympanitic; offensive, excoriating leucorrhœa.

Extremities.--Aching in limbs and general lassitude.

Skin.--Recurring boils. Carbuncles. Irritations from insect bites and poisonous plants. Lymphatics enlarged. Old tibial ulcers. Gangrene.

Fever.--Chilliness, with nausea. Cold flashes all over back. Malarial fever.

Relationship.--Compare: Cenchris contortrix; Bothrops; Ars; Laches; Baptis; Rhus; Cistus; Hepar; Calendula.

20,33 €



Synchronisation von linker und rechter Hirnhälfte und des Corpus Callosum. Die Synchronisation hilft das dritte Auge zu öffnen. Begleiterscheinung der Synchronisierung können Kopfschmerzen sein.

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Roasted Sponge

A remedy especially marked in the symptoms of the respiratory organs, cough, croup, etc. Heart affections and often indicated for the tubercular diathesis. Children with fair complexion, lax fiber; swollen glands. Exhaustion and heaviness of the body after slight exertion, with orgasm of blood to chest, face. Anxiety and difficult breathing.

Mind.--Anxiety and fear. Every excitement increases the cough.

Head.--Rush of blood; bursting headache; worse, forehead.

Eyes.--Watering; gummy or mucus discharge.

Nose.--Fluent coryza, alternating with stoppage. Dryness; chronic, dry, nasal catarrh.

Mouth.--Tongue dry and brown; full of vesicles.

Throat.--Thyroid gland swollen. Stitches and dryness. Burning and stinging. Sore throat; worse after eating sweet things. Tickling causes cough. Clears throat constantly.

Stomach.--Excessive thirst, great hunger. Cannot bear tight clothing around trunk. Hiccough.

Male.--Swelling of spermatic cord and testicles, with pain and tenderness. Orchitis. Epididymitis. Heat in parts.

Female.--Before menses, pain in sacrum, hunger, palpitation. During menses, wakes with suffocative spells (Cupr; Iod; Lach). Amenorrhœa, with asthma (Puls).

Respiratory.--Great dryness of all air-passages. Hoarseness; larynx dry, burns, constricted. Cough, dry, barking, croupy; larynx sensitive to touch. Croup; worse, during inspiration and before midnight. Respiration short, panting, difficult; feeling of a plug in larynx. Cough abates after eating or drinking, especially warm drinks. The dry, chronic sympathetic cough or organic heart disease is relieved by Spongia (Naja). Irrepressible cough from a spot deep in chest, as if raw and sore. Chest weak; can scarcely talk. Laryngeal phthisis. Goitre, with suffocative spells. Bronchial catarrh, with wheezing, asthmatic cough, worse cold air, with profuse expectoration and suffocation; worse, lying with head low and in hot room. Oppression and heat of chest, with sudden weakness.

Heart.--Rapid and violent palpitation, with dyspnœa; cannot lie down; also feels best resting in horizontal position. Awakened suddenly after midnight with pain and suffocation; is flushed, hot, and frightened to death (Acon). Valvular insufficiency. Angina pectoris; faintness, and anxious sweat. Ebullition of blood, veins distended. Surging of heart into chest, as if it would force out upward. Hypertrophy of heart, especially right, with asthmatic symptoms.

Skin.--Swelling and induration of glands; also exophthalmic; cervical glands swollen with tensive pain on turning head, painful on pressure; Goitre. Itching; measles

Sleep.--Awakes in a fright, and feels as if suffocating. Generally worse after sleep, or sleeps into and aggravation (Lach).

Fever.--Attacks of heat with anxiety; heat and redness of face and perspiration.

Modalities.--Worse, ascending, wind, before midnight. Better, descending, lying with head low.

Relationship.--Compare: Acon; Hep; Brom; Lach; Merc prot; Iod (Goitre).

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Neuroses with irritable weakness and hypersensitiveness, especially of a periodical character; epilepsy; cardialgia, with nausea, flatulence, constipation, alternating with diarrhœa; chorea.

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