


Nearah-Pg (19°Fische)

Nearah ist der Schutzpatron unserer Zähne. Er kann uns beibringen unsere Zähne wieder wachsen zu lassen, sollten sie einmal ausgefallen sein. Das Gleiche gilt im Übrigen für die Haare.

20,33 €



Arseniate of Sodium


A remedy for nasal catarrh, with headache, pain at root of nose, dry and painful eyes. Psoriasis (Ars; Chrysoph ac; Thyroid). Bronchitis of children over seven years. Facilitates the termination of the cold and conserves strength and appetite (Cartier).

Head.--Floating sensation on turning head quickly; aching in frontal region and root of nose, over orbits. Headache; worse pressure and tobacco smoke.

Nose.--Watery discharge; drops into throat. Feels stopped; pain at root. Dry crusts, on removal, leave mucous membrane raw. Post-nasal dropping of thick, bland, yellowish mucus. Crusts in nose.

Ears.--Catarrhal conjunctivitis and blepharitis marginalis. Eyes feel weak, stiffness of balls and tendency of lids to close. Feel heavy and droop. Lachrymation in wind. Agglutination in morning. Dry, painful, burning; soon tire. Œdema of orbital region. Supraorbital pain.

Throat.--Dark, purplish, swollen, œdematous; red and glassy.

Respiratory.--Racking cough, with profuse greenish expectoration. Oppression of chest and about heart, and also larynx. Miner's asthma. Lungs feel as though smoke had been inhaled.

Extremities.--Aching in arms; worse in shoulder. Pain in anterior crural nerves. Joints stiff. Feels tired all over. Knee-joints crack.

Relationship.--Compare: Ars; Kali carb; Apis.

20,33 €



White Hellebore

A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is most characteristic. Surgical shock. Excessive dryness of all mucous surfaces. "Coprophagia" violent mania alternates with silence and refusal to talk.

Mind.--Melancholy, with stupor and mania. Sits in a stupid manner; notices nothing; Sullen indifference. Frenzy of excitement; shrieks, curses. Puerperal mania. Aimless wandering from home. Delusions of impending misfortunes. Mania, with desire to cut and tear things (Tarant). Attacks of pain, with delirium driving to madness. Cursing, howling all night.

Head.--Contracted features. Cold sweat on forehead. Sensation of a lump of ice on vertex. Headache, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhœa, pale face. Neck too weak to hold head up.

Eyes.--Surrounded by dark rings. Staring; turned upwards, without luster. Lachrymation with redness. Lids dry heavy.

Face.--Features sunken. Icy coldness of tip of nose and face. Nose grows more pointed. Tearing in cheeks, temples, and eyes. Face very pale, blue, collapsed, cold.

Mouth.--Tongue pale, cold; cool sensation, as from peppermint. Dry in center not relieved by water. Salty saliva. Toothache, teeth feel heavy as if filled with lead.

Stomach.--Voracious appetite. Thirst for cold water, but is vomited as soon as swallowed. Averse to warm food. Hiccough. Copious vomiting and nausea; aggravated by drinking and least motion. Craves fruit, juicy and cold things, ice, salt. Anguish in pit of stomach. Great weakness after vomiting. Gastric irritability with chronic vomiting of food.

Abdomen.--Sinking and empty feeling. Cold feeling in stomach and abdomen. Pain in abdomen preceding stool. Cramps, knotting abdomen and legs. Sensation as if hernia would protrude (Nux). Abdomen sensitive to pressure, swollen with terrible colic.

Rectum.--Constipation from inactivity of rectum, with heat and headache. Constipation of babies, and when produced by very cold weather. Stools large, with much straining until exhausted, with cold sweat. Diarrhœa, very painful, watery, copious, and forcibly evacuated, followed by great prostration. Evacuations of cholera morbus and true cholera when vomiting accompanies the purging.

Respiratory.--Hoarse, weak voice. Rattling in chest. Much mucus in bronchial tubes, that cannot be coughed up. Coarse rales. Chronic bronchitis in the aged (Hippozanin). Loud barking, stomach cough, followed by eructation of gas; worse, warm room. Hollow cough, tickling low down, with blue face. Cough comes on from drinking, especially cold water; urine escapes when coughing. Cough on entering warm room from cold air (Bryonia).

Heart.--Palpitation with anxiety and rapid audible respiration. Pulse irregular, feeble. Tobacco heart from chewing. Intermittent action of heart in feeble persons with some hepatic obstruction. One of the best heart stimulants in homeopathic doses (J. S. Mitchell).

Female.--Menses too early; profuse and exhausting. Dysmenorrhœa, with coldness, purging, cold sweat. Faints from least exertion. Sexual mania precedes menses.

Extremities.--Soreness and tenderness of joints. Sciatica; pains like electric flashes. Cramps in calves. Neuralgia in brachial plexus; arms feel swollen, cold, paralytic.

Skin.--Blue, cold, clammy, inelastic, cold as death. Cold sweat. Wrinkling of skin of hands and feet.

Fever.--Chill, with extreme coldness and thirst.

Modalities.--Worse, at night; wet, cold weather. Better, walking and warmth.

Relationship.--Compare: Veratrinum-alkaloid from seeds of Sabadilla.--(electric pains, electric shocks in muscles, fibrillary twitchings); Cholos terrepina (cramps in calves); Camph; Cupr; Ars; Cuprum ars (intermittent, cold, clammy sweat); Narcissus poeticus (gastro-enteritis with much griping and cutting pain in bowels. Fainting, trembling, cold limbs, small and irregular pulse); Trychosanthes--(diarrhœa, pain in liver, dizziness after every stool); Agaric emetic (vertigo; longing for ice-cold water; burning pains in stomach); Agaric phalloides (cholera, cramps in stomach, cold extremities, urine suppressed). Veratrine (Increased vascular tension. It relaxes it and stimulates the elimination of toxins by skin, kidneys, and liver).

20,33 €


Dieser Qode wird ihnen per Mail zugesandt, wenn Sie ihn gekauft haben.

20,33 €


Batirunos (21°Schütze) Batirunos ist hier um uns Glückseligkeit, Friede, Lust und Wonne zu bereiten.

20,33 €





Produces contraction of the unstriped muscular fibers; hence a constringent feeling throughout the whole body. This produces an anæmic condition, coldness, numbness, petechiæ, mortification, gangrene. A useful remedy for old people with shriveled skin-thin, scrawny old women. All the Secale conditions are better from cold; the whole body is pervaded by a sense of great heat. Hæmorrhages; continued oozing; thin, fetid, watery black blood. Debility, anxiety, emaciation, though appetite and thirst may be excessive. Facial and abdominal muscles twitch. Secale decreases the flow of pancreatic juice by raising the blood pressure (Hinsdale).

Head.--Passive, congestive pain (rises from back of head), with pale face. Head drawn back. Falling of hair; dry and gray. Nosebleed, dark, oozing.

Eyes.--Pupils dilated. Incipient cataract, senile especially in women. Eyes sunken and surrounded by a blue margin.

Face.--Pale, pinched, sunken. Cramps commence in face and spread over whole body. Livid spots on face. Spasmodic distortion.

Mouth.--Tongue dry, cracked; blood like ink exudes, coated thick; viscid, yellowish, cold livid. Tingling of tip of tongue, which is stiff. Tongue swollen, paralyzed.

Stomach.--Unnatural ravenous appetite; craves acids. Thirst unquenchable. Singultus, nausea; vomiting of blood and coffee-grounds fluid. Burning in stomach and abdomen; tympanites. Eructations of bad odor.

Stool.--Cholera-like stools, with coldness and cramps. Olivegreen, thin, putrid, bloody, with icy coldness and intolerance of being covered, with great exhaustion. Involuntary stools; no sensation of passing feces, anus wide open.

Urine.--Paralysis of bladder. Retention, with unsuccessful urging. Discharge of black blood from bladder. Enuresis in old people.

Female.--Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance of heat. Passive hæmorrhages in feeble, cachectic women. Burning pains in uterus. Brownish, offensive leucorrhœa. Menses irregular, copious, dark; continuous oozing of watery blood until next period. Threatened abortion about the third month (Sab). During labor no expulsive action, though everything is relaxed. After-pains. Suppression of milk; breasts do not fill properly. Dark, offensive lochia. Puerperal fever, putrid discharges, tympanitis, coldness, suppressed urine.

Chest.--Angina pectoris. Dyspnœa and oppression, with cramp in diaphragm. Boring pain in chest. Præcordial tenderness. Palpitation, with contracted and intermittent pulse.

Sleep.--Profound and long. Insomnia with restlessness, fever, anxious dreams. Insomnia of drug and liquor habitudes.

Back.--Spinal irritation, tingling of lower extremities; can bear only slightest covering. Locomotor ataxia. Formication and numbness. Myelitis.

Extremities.--Cold, dry hands and feet of excessive smokers with feeling of fuzziness in fingers. Trembling, staggering gait. Formication, pain and spasmodic movements. Numbness. Fingers and feet bluish, shriveled, spread apart or bent backwards, numb. Violent cramps. Icy coldness of extremities. Violent pain in finger-tips, tingling in toes.

Skin.--Shriveled, numb; mottled dusky-blue tinge. Scleræma and œdema neonatorum. Raynaud's disease. Blue color. Dry gangrene, developing slowly. Varicose ulcers. Burning sensation; better by cold; wants parts uncovered, though cold to touch. Formication; petechiæ. Slight wounds continue to bleed. Livid spots. Boils, small, painful, with green contents; mature slowly. Skin feels cold to touch, yet covering is not tolerated. Great aversion to heat. Formication under skin.

Fever.--Coldness; cold, dry skin; cold, clammy sweat; excessive thirst. Sense of internal heat.

Modalities.--Worse, heat, warm covering. Better, cold, uncovering, rubbing, stretching out limbs.

Relationship.--Compare: Ergotin (Beginning arteriosclerosis progressing rather rapidly. Increased blood pressure: 2x trit. Œdema, gangrene and purpura hæmorrhagia: when Secale, though indicated, fails); Pedicularis Canadensis (Symptoms of locomotor ataxia; spinal irritation); Brassica napus-Rape-seed--(dropsical swellings, scorbutic mouth, voracious appetite, tympanitis, dropping of nails, gangrene); Cinnamon; Colch; Ars; Aurum mur. 2x (locomotor ataxia); Agrostema-Corn-cockle-active constituent is Saponin, which causes violent sneezing and sharp burning taste; burning in stomach, extends to œsophagus, neck and breast; (vertigo, headache, difficult locomotion, burning sensation); Ustilago; Carbo; Pituitrin (dilated os, little pain, no progress. Dose, 1/2 c, repeat in half hour, if necessary. Hypodermically contra-indicated in first stage of labor, valvular lesions or deformed pelvis).

Antidotes: Camph; Opium.

20,33 €


Ichdison-Pg (27°Löwe)

Ichdison lehrt Verwirklichung.

20,33 €


Ipecacuanha-Pg Ip.

Uragoga ipecacuanha, Cephalis ipecacuanha, Brechwurzel. Rubiaceae.

Die Hauptwirkung betrifft die Verzweigungen des Nervus vagus, indem es eine spasmodische Reizung in Brust und Magen verursacht. Morphinismus. Die Hauptkennzeichen von Ipecacuanha sind seine hartnäckige Übelkeit und das Erbrechen, welche die Leitsymptome bilden. Es ist nach unverdaulicher Nahrung, Rosinen, Kuchen etc. angezeigt. Besonders ist es bei dicken Kindern und Erwachsenen indiziert, die schwächlich sind und die sich bei mildem Wetter erkälten; bei warmem, feuchtem Wetter. Spasmische Beschwerden. Hellrote und reichliche Blutungen.

Gemüt. – Reizbar; verachtet alles. Voller Wünsche, aber sie wissen nicht nach was.

Kopf: – Die Schädelknochen fühlen sich zerschlagen oder zerquetscht an. Schmerz erstreckt sich zu den Zähnen und zur Zungenwurzel.

Augen: – Entzündet, rot. Schmerz durch die Augäpfel. Reichlicher Tränenfluss. Die Cornea ist trübe. Die Augen ermüden vom Nah-Sehen. Die Sehfähigkeit ändert sich ständig. Akkommodationskrampf wegen reizbarer Schwäche des Ziliarmuskels. Übelkeit durch Ansehen sich bewegender Objekte.

Nase: – Schnupfen, mit Verstopfung der Nase und Übelkeit. Nasenbluten.

Gesicht: – Blaue Ringe um die Augen. Periodische Orbitalneuralgie, mit Tränenfluss, Photophobie und brennenden Augenlidern.

Magen: – Gewöhnlich ist die Zunge sauber. Mund feucht; viel Speichelfluss. Hartnäckige Übelkeit und Erbrechen, mit blassem, zuckendem Gesicht. Erbricht Nahrung, Galle, Blut, Schleim. Gefühl, als sei der Magen schlaff, als würde er herabhängen. Schluckauf.

Abdomen: – Amöbenruhr mit Tenesmus; beim Pressen ist der Schmerz so groß, dass er Übelkeit verursacht; wenig Durst. Schneidender Schmerz, umklammernder Schmerz; < um den Nabel herum. Der Körper ist versteift; steif ausgestreckt.

Stühle: – Pechartig, wie grünes Gras, wie schaumige Melasse, mit Kneifen am Nabel. Dysenterisch, schleimig.

Weiblich: – Uterusblutung, reichlich, hell, schwallartig, mit Übelkeit. Erbrechen in der Schwangerschaft. Schmerz vom Nabel zum Uterus. Die Menses ist zu früh und zu reichlich.

Atemwege: – Atemnot; dauerndes Gefühl der Zusammenschnürung in der Brust. Asthma. Jähe Anfälle von beschwerlicher Kurzatmigkeit. Anhaltendes Niesen; Schnupfen; giemender Husten. Der Husten ist ununterbrochen und heftig, bei jedem Atemzug. Die Brust scheint voller Schleim zu sein, aber er lässt sich nicht abhusten. Grobblasiges Rasseln. Erstickender Husten; das Kind wird steif und blau im Gesicht. Keuchhusten, mit Bluten aus Nase und Mund. Bluten aus den Lungen, mit Übelkeit; Gefühl der Zusammenschnürung; rasselnder Husten. Krupp. Bluthusten bei geringster Anstrengung. (Mill.) Heiserkeit, besonders am Ende einer Erkältung. Vollständiger Stimmverlust.

Extremitäten: – Der Körper ist steif ausgestreckt, gefolgt von krampfhaftem Zucken der Arme zueinander.

Fieber: – Intermittierendes Fieber, nach Chinin, unregelmäßige Fälle. Leichtestes Frösteln mit viel Hitze, Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Atemnot. Rückfälle durch unpassende Ernährung.

Schlaf: – Schlaf mit halb geöffneten Augen. Beim Einschlafen Rucken in allen Gliedern.

Haut: – Blass, schlaff. Blau um die Augen. Miliaria.

Modalitäten: – < periodisch; Kalbfleisch, feuchtwarmer Wind; Hinlegen.

Beziehungen: – Vergleiche: – Emetinum – Das Hauptalkaloid von Ipecacuanha. – Ein starkes Amöbizid, aber kein Bakterizid. Ein Spezifikum bei Amöbiasis; von erheblichem Wert in der Behandlung von Amöbenruhr; auch als Mittel bei Pyorrhö, ½ Gran (32,4 mg) täglich, 3 Tage lang, dann weniger. Emetin, ½ Gran (32,4 mg) subkutan bei Psoriasis. Emetinhydrochlorid D2 bei Diarrhoe mit kolikartigen Bauchschmerzen und Übelkeit. Emetin bei Entamöbenruhr. In physiologischen Dosierungen muss es sorgsam beobachtet werden. Kann Hepatisation der Lunge hervorrufen; schnelle Herztätigkeit; Neigung des Kopfes nach vorn zu fallen und Lobärpneumonie.

Bei Bluterbrechen und anderen Blutungen vergleiche: Ars., Cham., Puls., Ant-t., Squil.

Gelatine – Hat eine ausgeprägte Wirkung auf die Gerinnungsfähigkeit des Blutes. Subkutan oder oral, ein 10 %iges Gelee, ca. 4 Unzen (113 g) 3-mal täglich.

Convolvulus duartinus – Kolik und Diarrhoe.

Typha latifolia – Dysenterie, Diarrhoe und Sommerbeschwerden.

Euphorbia hypericifolia – Ähnelt Ipecacuanha sehr. Reizung der Atemwege, des Gastrointestinaltrakts und der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane.

Lippia mexicana – Hartnäckiger trockener, harter Bronchialhusten – Asthma und chronische Bronchitis.

Bei Asthma vergleiche: – Blatta orientalis

Antidote: – Ars., Chin., Tab.

Komplementärmittel: – Cupr., Arn.

20,33 €