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Hahnemann's Tinctura acris sine Kali

Manifests its action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affections, indicated by the tearing, drawing pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues, with deformities about the joints; progressive loss of muscular strength, tendinous contractures. Broken down seniles. In catarrhal affections of the air passages, and seems to choose preferably dark-complexioned and rigid-fibered persons. Restlessness at night, with tearing pains in joints and bones, and faint-like sinking of strength. This weakness progresses until we have gradually appearing paralysis. Local paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities. Children are slow to walk. The skin of a Causticum person is of a dirty white sallow, with warts, especially on the face. Emaciation due to disease, worry, etc, and of long standing. Burning, rawness, and soreness are characteristic.

Mind.--Child does not want to go to bed alone. Least thing makes it cry. Sad, hopeless. Intensely sympathetic. Ailments from long-lasting grief, sudden emotions. Thinking of complaints, aggravates, especially hæmorrhoids.

Head.--Sensation of empty space between forehead and brain. Pain in right frontal eminence.

Face.--Paralysis of right side. Warts. Pain in facial bones. Dental fistula. Pain in jaws, with difficulty in opening mouth.

Eyes.--Cataract with motor disturbances. Inflammation of eyelids; ulceration. Sparks and dark spots before eyes Ptosis (Gels). Vision impaired, as if film were before eyes. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold.

Ears.--Ringing, roaring, pulsating, with deafness; words and steps re-echo; chronic middle-ear catarrh; accumulation of ear-wax.

Nose.--Coryza, with hoarseness. Scaly nose. Nostrils ulcerated. Pimples and warts.

Mouth.--Bites inside of cheek from chewing. Paralysis of tongue, with indistinct speech. Rheumatism of articulation of lower jaw. Gums bleed easily.

Stomach.--Greasy taste. Aversion to sweets. Feels as if lime were burned in stomach. Worse after eating fresh meat; smoked meat agrees. Sensation of ball rising in throat. Acid dyspepsia.

Stool.--Soft and small, size of goose-quill (Phos). Hard, tough, covered with mucus; shines like grease; small-shaped; expelled with much straining, or only on standing up. Pruritus. Partial paralysis of rectum. Rectum sore and burns. Fistula and large piles.

Urine.--Involuntary when coughing, sneezing (Puls). Expelled very slowly, and sometimes retained. Involuntary during first sleep at night; also from slightest excitement. Retention after surgical operations. Loss of sensibility on passing urine.

Female.--Uterine inertia during labor. Menses cease at night; flow only during day (Cycl; Puls). Leucorrhœa at night, with great weakness (Nat mur). Menses delay, late (Con. Graph; Puls).

Respiratory.--Hoarseness with pain in chest; aphonia. Larynx sore. Cough, with raw soreness of chest. Expectoration scanty; must be swallowed. Cough with pain in hip, especially left worse in evening; better, drinking cold water; worse, warmth of bed. Sore streak down trachea. Mucus under sternum, which he cannot quite reach. Pain in chest, with palpitation. Cannot lie down at night. Voice re-echoes. Own voice roars in ears and distresses. Difficulty of voice of singers and public speakers (Royal).

Back.--Stiffness between shoulders. Dull pain in nape of neck.

Extremities.--Left-sided sciatica, with numbness. Paralysis of single parts. Dull, tearing pain in hands and arms. Heaviness and weakness. Tearing joints. Unsteadiness of muscles of forearm and hand. Numbness; loss of sensation in hands. Contracted tendons. Weak ankles. Cannot walk without suffering. Rheumatic tearing in limbs; better by warmth, especially heat of bed. Burning in joints. Slow in learning to walk. Unsteady walking and easily falling. Restless legs at night. Cracking and tension in knees; stiffness in hollow of knee. Itching on dorsum of feet.

Skin.--Soreness in folds of skin, back of ears, between thighs. Warts large, jagged, bleeding easily, on tips of fingers and nose. Old burns that do not get well, and ill effects from burns. Pains of burns. Cicatrices freshen up; old injuries reopen. Skin prone to intertrigo during dentition.

Sleep.--Very drowsy; can hardly keep awake. Nocturnal sleeplessness, with dry heat, inquietude.

Relationship.--According to the careful investigations of Dr. Wagner of Basel, Causticum corresponds to Ammon causticum 4x. Causticum does not agree with Phosphorus; the remedies should not be used after each other. Diphtherotoxin follows, causticum in chronic bronchitis.

Antidote: Paralysis from lead-poisoning.

Complementary: Carbo; Petrosel.

Compare: Rhus; Arsenic; Amm phos (facial paralysis).

Modalities.--Worse, dry, cold winds, in clear fine weather, cold air; from motion of carriage. Better, in damp, wet weather; warmth. Heat of bed.

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Barium carbonicum

Carbonate of Baryta


Specially indicated in infancy and old age. This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children, especially if they are backward mentally and physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop, have scrofulous ophthalmia, swollen abdomen, take cold easily, and then always have swollen tonsils. Persons subject to quinsy which is prone to suppurate; gums bleed easily. Diseases of old men when degenerative changes begin;-cardiac vascular and cerebral;-who have hypertrophied prostate or indurated testes, very sensitive to cold, offensive foot-sweats, very weak and weary, must sit or lie down or lean on something. Very averse to meeting strangers. Catarrh of posterior nares, with frequent epistaxis. Often useful in the dyspepsias of the young who have masturbated and who suffer from seminal emissions, together with cardiac irritability and palpitation. Affects glandular structures, and useful in general degenerative changes, especially in coats of arteries, aneurism, and senility. Baryta is a cardio-vascular poison acting on the muscular coats of heart and vessels. Arterial fibrosis. Blood-vessels soften and degenerate, become distended, and aneurisms, ruptures, and apoplexies result.

Mind.--Loss of memory, mental weakness. Irresolute. Lost confidence in himself. Senile dementia. Confusion. Bashful. Aversion to strangers. Childish; grief over trifles.

Head.--Vertigo; stitches, when standing in the sun, extending through head. Brain feels as if loose. Hair falls out. Confusion. Wens.

Eyes.--Alternate dilatation and contraction of pupils. Photophobia. Gauze before eyes. Cataracts (Calc; Phos; Sil).

Ears.--Hardness of hearing. Crackling noise. Glands around ears painful and swollen. Reverberation on blowing nose.

Nose.--Dry; sneezing; coryza, with swelling of upper lip and nose. Sensation of smoke in nose. Discharge of thick, yellow mucus. Frequent bleeding. Scabs around wings of nose.

Face.--Pale, puffed; sensation as of cobweb (Alumina). Upper lip swollen.

Mouth.--Awakes with dry mouth. Gums bleed and retract. Teeth ache before menses. Mouth filled with inflamed vesicles, foul taste. Paralysis of tongue. Smarting, burning pain in tip of tongue. Dribbling of saliva at dawn. Spasm of œsophagus when food enters.

Throat.--Submaxillary glands and tonsils swollen. Takes cold easily, with stitches and smarting pain. Quinsy. Suppurating tonsils from every cold. Tonsils inflamed, with swollen veins. Smarting pain when swallowing; worse empty swallowing. Feeling of a plug in pharynx. Can only swallow liquids. Spasm of œsophagus as soon as food enters œsophagus, causes gagging and choking (Merc cor; Graphit). Throat troubles from over use of voice. Stinging pain in tonsils, pharynx or larynx.

Stomach.--Waterbrash, hiccough, and eructation, which relieves pressure as of a stone. Hungry, but refuses food. Pain and weight immediately after a meal, with epigastric tenderness (Kali carb). Worse after warm food. Gastric weakness in the aged with possible malignancy present.

Abdomen.--Hard and tense, distended. Colicky. Enlarged mesenteric glands. Pain in abdomen swallowing food. Habitual colic, with hunger, but food is refused.

Rectum.--Constipation, with hard, knotty stools. Hæmorrhoids protrude on urinating. Crawling in rectum. Oozing at anus.

Urinary.--Every time patient urinates, his piles come down. Urging to urinate. Burning in urethra on urinating.

Male.--Diminished desire and premature impotence. Enlarged prostate. Testicles indurated.

Female.--Before menses, pain in stomach and small of back. Menses scanty.

Respiratory.--Dry, suffocative cough, especially in old people, full of mucus but lacking strength to expectorate, worse every change of weather (Senega). Larynx feels as if smoke were inhaled. Chronic aphonia. Stitches in chest; worse inspiration. Lungs feel full smoke.

Heart.--Palpitation and distress in region of heart. Aneurism (Lycop). Accelerates the heart's action at first, blood pressure much increased, contraction of blood vessels. Palpitation when lying on left side, when thinking of it especially; pulse full and hard. Cardiac symptoms after suppressed foot-sweat.

Back.--Swollen glands in nape of occiput. Fatty tumors about neck. Bruised pain between scapulæ. Stiffness in sacrum. Weakness of spine.

Extremities.--Pain in axillary glands. Cold, clammy feet (Calc). Fetid foot-sweats. Numbness of limbs. Numb feeling from knees to scrotum; disappears when sitting down. Toes and soles sore; soles painful when walking. Pain in joints; burning pains in lower limbs.

Sleep.--Talking in sleep; awakens frequently; feels too hot. Twitching during sleep.

Modalities.--Worse, while thinking of symptoms; from washing; lying on painful side. Better, walking in open air.

Relationship.--Compare: Digitalis; Radium; Aragallus; Oxytrop; Astrag. Complementary: Dulc; Silica; Psorin. Incompatible: Calc. Antidote for poisonous doses: Epsom salts.

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